Madhumukthi Tea – 200g


Madhumukthi Tea is a right blend of premium Darjeeling black teas, green teas of south India, Assam White Teas, and selected herbs.
Herbal-infused Tea.
Just a simple tea for Diabetes management.
Suitable for Indian-style milk tea.
Works in synergy with other diabetic medicines.
Excellent in taste and aroma.


Madhumukthi Tea is made with all-natural and time-tested herbal (food grade) ingredients.

Madhumukthi Tea is a right blend of premium Darjeeling black teas, Green teas of south India, Assam White Teas, and selected herbs.

Madhumukthi Tea is formulated by keeping your taste buds in mind so that you appreciate its strong taste and refreshing aroma.

Madhumukthi Tea is a Herbal tea. Which is adapted to the Indian style of milk tea; they cannot satisfy our tea session so we are forced to take regular tea after some time.

In the one-word market, available diabetic teas can be an addition to your regular teas but cannot substitute your regular tea. It is also a herbal wellness tea for Diabetes

The specialty ingredients used in Madhumukthi Tea like Moringa flowers, Neem flowers, and bark powder of Salacia make these teas very unique and highly anti-diabetic.

As these herbs go into your system through milk, milk activates and facilitates slow and perfect absorption of herbs in Madhumukthi Tea resulting in sustainable results and better sugar management. which makes it the best herbal tea for diabetes.

Please note Madhumukthi Tea is a natural food supplement and can be helpful in diabetes management when used along with your regular medication. These do not substitute for any medication. We strongly advise you to follow a doctor-advised diet and exercise and maintain a healthy regime.

All good results without compromising natural taste!

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